Cantor Casino Monthly

Having done really well on Cantor casino in the past, thought I?d give the monthly another go. It?s a medium to high risk casino bonus, as you?ve got to play minimum £5 hands, wagering through £2500 for the maximum £100 matched bonus, and you get the bonus at the end, not the start, meaning if you?ve got half way through and have lost your £100, you?re going to need to stick in some more cash to make it through?

Anyway, undeterred I got my £100 in and kicked off with the multi-hand Blackjack - generally 3 x £5 or 3 x £10 hands, and it wasn?t long til I was enjoying seeing the balance at £230!!! Nice! Was very tempted to stop and forget the bonus, but perceviering I managed to see the balance now down to ZERO!!!! Ugg? Anway, another £100 deposit helped me get through to the £2500 wager requirement and finally cashed out a massive £15 up! At least it was a profit, and I am several hundred up at this casino.

This made up for a couple of 32 Red plays I?ve done this month and lost at. It?s my first EVER month being about even on the casinos, rather than a big healthy profit! Roll on January?

RETURN: £215
CASINO: Cantor Casino