Blackjack History DefinitionBlackjack is probably the worlds most frequently played casino game in the world. Blackjack is the casino version of the game 'Twenty One' played in many homes around the world, and just as at home the aim is to get as close to 21 points as possible.
Where and when Blackjack originated precisely is not completely clear. Around 1570 a Blackjack type of card game is said to have been played in Spain. Other sources speak of a similar card game at the French court around 1600. There are also claims that Italy was the Game's birthplace. The name Blackjack actually originates from America. A nineteenth century producer of card tables put his Blackjack logo on them and the game has been called so ever since.
Blackjack is appealing because it is the only regularly played casino game which is not exclusively determined by chance. As players become more proficient, the casino's advantage declines.
Blackjack is an ideal game to start playing, and as all of our recommended casinos offer the game in various forms, it's worth trying it now. Here's a sneaky tip- use the Blackjack strategy table Casino Rich List has provided for you to find a special cheat card that will enable you to play perfect blackjack and keep that house edge as low as possible.
Once you have your Blackjack Strategy table, then make sure you check out our 10 Best Online Casinos to find an online casino that suits you for that enjoyable game of Blackjack.
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